Friday, 14 November 2008

What I need to Do to Be able to start filming

Today me and Kimberley decided on a date we will shoot storyboard shot 1, 7 and 8. we have organized our actress vanessa to take half a day out school on monday 17th of november. We will bring the Canon XL2 with tripod, Stepladder for high shots and a white nighty to the location of Portelet common. As our male actor will not be able to participate in the first shooting session at Portelet common we will have to plan another date where both female and male actress are able to participate. As Kimberley and I are doing half the films editing and filming each, I will be shooting shot 6,7,8,9 and 10.

Today I also rang up Le Quennevais sports centre to ask permission if we would be able to use their pool to shoot our underwater shots in the story board. This has Been booked for sunday 23rd of november at 11 am. As Shot 9 and 10 are underwater shots, I will be the one filming. I will be shooting our actor Max Holley falling into the pool unconsciously and slowly floating into the depths of the pool. I will be using The ......... to shoot these shots.

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