Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Experimenting with my clips

Above are the same sequence I created using iMovie, although one in colour, one using the black and white effect. I feel the black and white sequence creates the right atmopere I'm looking for. Without the colour aspect, it almost leaves the audience feeling unknowing and on edge as not everything in the picture is given away. The moody contrasting monochrome shades add dynamics.

To create this sequence, I merged some of the shots I filmed at portelet common until continuity was present. I didn't show the character throughout the sequence until the end, for the reason of i want the audience to really want to no who this unknown character is who has pushed an Innocent victim off a Cliff. i also didn't want to overpower the audience with shots of her face as it could perhaps look cheap and unprofessional. to give my sequence even more atmopshere i added music which created suspense, and also the sound of a heartbeat building up speed until the shot of Vanessa's face on screen. I then got the music to fade out gently unlike a sudden Holt which i don't think would work.

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