Monday, 17 November 2008

First shooting day

Today, myself and my partner Kimberley went to Portelet with our actress Vanessa to shoot shots 1, 7 and 8. I filmed shot 7 and 8 and Kimberley filmed shot 1. The weather today whilst shooting was dull and dismal with light patched of drizzle. We thought we would use the weather to our ability instead of against us. The crispness of the white sky created the atmosphere we were hoping for. As we need to shoot 5 more scenes at the common we will have to choose a day with very similar weather. As it is winter this shall not be to much as a challenge. We shot our 3 shots using the canon XL2 over a 3 hour period. The lengthy time was due to the variety of different angles shot. I Filmed shots of the area and then the exact same area again but with Vanessa in it so that in post production i can put the area shots behind the Vanessa shots and create an almost ghostly eerie character. This may turn out far to unprofessional for what were aiming for but once experimented using iMovie to try and create this effect, this could be exactly what we need for our film.

Eqipment we braught with us today were:

Canon LX2
Tripod ( for steady shots)
Stepladder ( my idea because i wanted shots from abouve vanessa)
Beanbags( so that the Canon LX2 was able to lie stabely flat on the floor angeling upwards)
Canon powershot A540 ( camera i braught to take photographs for my blog)
White Nighty

Vanessa and I with the Camera( which was covoured at the time due to drizzle)

A problem we faced during filming was the actress had to do it barefoot but she got thorns in her feet. To help reduce this problem I Transported her on my back from each shots, see below for photograph.

I supplied our actress with food and warm clothing to ensure her acting will be the best it could

Low angle shot

Used Beanbags to create a steady stand for another low shot

I am stood on the stepladder trying to shoot an areial veiw shot

Areial Shot

Filming Vanessa

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