This Is the Poser for our film we created on Photoshop. Our main inspiration was from the Grudges poser. The black around the eye symbolizes the hair, her own barrier from the outer world and the only thing that can cover her face and perhaps cover the wrong things she has done. To create the Poster, we changed the opacity levels of the original photo i took of vanessa on photoshop and then placed the hair from the grudge over the top using a different layer. The text says "it never forgives, it never forgets". The reason for this being is, Vanessa never forgave her elder family member for abusing her and she will never forget it. We used a quote from "Empire magazine" as they are a major magazine which looks at films using the quote"The most intense film of the year" which will automatically want the audience to watch it. Other texts we included were both mine and Kimberley's names and Vanessa Reynolds as she has the starring role in our film introduction. I am very happy with The Final result as I feel the photograph is very unnerving and has an almost ghostly element to it due to adjusting the opacity level.