Wednesday, 18 March 2009


Screen grab of us using After Effects

Onse completed my editing using both iMovie Hd and after effects i needed to create titals for my film introduction. I want my film introduction to be effectivly simple and striking and wanted this to be mirroed in my titals. Using i movie both me and my partner kimberley began with a black background. We then chose a striking font which was inspired by the simples titals from "The Grudge"using the "Helvetica" font. we wanted the font to be white then transitioning and fadeing into a deep red representing fear and then fading back out again. we then repeated the teqnique 8 times authough moving the placement on composition slightly on each tital to give variety. Our titals last 4 seconds which in total adds an extra 32 seconds to the film introduction

Once we had out titles complete we needed to create a shot that would say “ The common” which is the title of the film. This shot will be shown at the end of the film introduction. To create this shot, the font used on the front covour was our inspiration. It was more complicated than the subtitles but not over the top. The red font saying “ The Grudge” is eye catching and stark and had a texture effect to it. To re create this eye catching font I used an image of a rock surface with deep texture as a layer underneath “The Common”. we then chose a black background so that the to be white and red writing would be vivid against the dull background. We chose a similar font called “....” although we felt it was to simple and not profetional enough for what we wanted to achieve. We then went through all of the fronts until we found the font “ Cracked” which looked like “ The grudge” font we had found the perfect text for our introduction. We used the fading tool so that “The Common” would appear a dull white then gradually fade into a red representing rage. I then adisted the opacity leval of the coloured layer of the font enabling the textured rock pattern to show through giving a rustic effect. The rock represents the habitat of the common. on reviewing the font for the “ The Common” title I felt it still needed an effect. I experimented using the blurring and distortion effects until It looked professional and earie. It shows on the screen a distorted blurry structure then focusing into “The Common” font white turning red then distorting back out again. The screen turns back letting the viewer take the intensity in enabling them to watch what would be the rest of the film.

The Stone Photograph we used as a layer

Screen grab of us using After Effects

One of The finished Titles

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