Friday, 10 October 2008

Tzvetan Todorov

I have been analysing Todorov's theory and I have decided I want to use it in my film introduction. My narrative shows an 11 year old girl who had been abandoned by her parents. She will roam the Portlet Common looking for a male to murder who resembles her elder brother who used to abuse her as a young child. She will wait until this male, the person she is going kill, is at the edge of the cliff looking at the veiw. She will push them off to their death into the sea. Our narrative will end here.

There are five stages to his theory

1. A state of equilibrium
2. A disruption of that order by an event
3. A recognition that the disorder has occurred
4. An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption
5. A return or restoration of a NEW equilibrium.

We will show stage 1 in our film of Totorov's theory using Vanessa's point of view shot and arial shots of Vannesa walking through the common and area underneath the cliff, minding her own business. She will be in a state of equilibrium.

Stage 2 will show Vanessa putting her innocent victim unconscious by hitting a rock over their head and then pushing them of the cliff.

Stage 3 will show the victims body land dead in the water.

Stage 4 and 5 will not be shown in my introduction but will be shown later on in the film if it was to be made. Stage 4 would show Vanessa becoming unstable, with the inability for her mind to be in a stable state, she will have no other choice than to throw herself of the cliff. Stage 5 would show one of Vanessa's victims surviving, carrying on the legacy so that the curse of Vanessa will never end.

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