For the first week of Media Studies we have been researching, looking at and commenting on the horror/thriller film genre. As we will be making our own introduction to a horror/thriller film I have been watching films in that genre and introductions to films produced by JCG students from previous years.
On the first day of Media I was searching for film introducions on YouTube and this particular introduction to a film made by a previous as student at AS level caught my attention:
The subtitles, which look as if they float onto and off the screen really give me an eerie feeling, almost make me feel unnerved. It feel it looks really professional.

Over the weekend I watched Saw 1. This is the introduction to the film. The camera view which is meant to be the man’s sight turning blurry and unfocused at 2.22 looks really effective because you can see what he is seeing through his own eyes:
Another film introduction by a JCG student in the past has such impressive effects that I would consider using them in my own film introduction. The effects I like are the flashes of disturbing images with the background sound of a television as if somebody keeps changing channel. This is a strong contrast to the gentle singing of a choir in the background. It is the quick flashes of these images which I found really shocking.
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