Wednesday, 28 January 2009

27th janurary

Today I am going to start to edit my film using imovie. I am going to experiment with the brightness and contrast to see if in fact colour in my movie introduction would work better. My decision changed because my underwater shot would look really uninspiring in black and white. 

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Using After effects

This was edited using adobe after effects. I decreased the brightness and increased the contrast to give some depth to the atmoshpere. i also copied a section of my shot where the water was moving and pasted it into the shot where the ceiling was very visible to reduce the look of it as that isn't at all realistic for sea.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

last shooting

today i went to portelet common to film my last shot of Vanessa pushing her Innocent victim off the cliff. I positioned my camera on the beanbags on the floor for a low angle shot. the reason for this being it needed to look like she was pushing the actor off the cliff but she was really just pushing him down the hill. the weather was clear and dull, which will help my film shots to flow and not disjointed as my other filming day had the exact same weather conditions.

Problems i faced were the grass my actor and actress had to stand bare footed, and lie in were very thorny. This created a lot of discomfort. the male actor had to help the younger actress along the grass by carrying her.

I have completed filming my 5 shots and i am able to start editing using iMovie and After effects.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Monday, 19 January 2009

reminder for me

storey board... underwater....

Filming the underwater shoot

myself and max Holley, who is the male actor in my film organized in advance to film at Langford pool today which is the 19th of January. in these two shots i will be filming i got my male actor to wear a dark shirt and jeans which he would be wearing similar in the not underwater shoots. inspiration for this shoot greatly came from the shot in the borne ultimatum. i placed the camera at the base of the pool which would enable the exact--- shot i was looking for. i got max to fall into the pool backwards and float lifelessly ( just like in the borne ultimatum).

once uploaded, i feel that these shots will look really effective in my film. Using After effects will help dramatically with this. I will experiment with After effects tomorrow.

problems i faced were:

the pool was 1.8 meters deep which didn't enable a full body shot as it hit the water, but on rewing it, i think its far more effective.

the clothes i provided max with were far to large round the waist so i had to find a rope to tighten the waist band with.

the lights were purposely turned of in the swimming pool for the dark and dismal look i was looking for although some natural lighting couldn't be blocked out. This will mean in post production i will use after effects to create the correct lighting.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

filming two

On the 26th,27th and 28th of january we are going to film shots 2,3,4 and 5 during our lunch breaks. On the 23rd of January i am going to film shots 9 and 10 which i will film in langford pool.